Over the last decade, life has seemingly become more and more stressful. Most of us work longer hours, struggle with more debt and have less time to spend unwinding or socializing with friends and family. If we have any energy left at the end of the day we consider it a bonus but more likely we’ll just want to collapse onto the couch after a busy day of getting shouted at and commuting.

Is it any wonder that we’re all so highly strung? That we’re all gaining weight? That we’re not as happy as we were a decade ago?

Stress is one of the biggest and most serious epidemics on the planet and if we don’t do something about it then it will only get worse.

So what can we do about it? Alcohol is not the answer. And neither is doing more work.

Instead, you might consider these five natural remedies – each of which can help us to unwind and switch off at the end of the day. By relaxing our muscles and helping us to forget everything that happened between 9-5, these herbs are the perfect antidote to a high pace of living and heavy workload.

Here are five particularly effective options…


L-theanine is an amino acid and a xanthine found in green teas and especially the amazing ‘yerba mate’ which Darwin called ‘the world’s most perfect stimulant’.

Despite its similarity to caffeine, l-theanine actually has the opposite effect of promoting calmness and relaxation. It’s often taken alongside caffeine in fact, in order to reduce the unwanted side effects that caffeine can trigger such as jitters and headaches. When used in this way, the caffeine + l-theanine stack can offer a ‘clean’ energy that lasts for a long time and that doesn’t cause any unwanted side effects.

I personally take L-theanine each morning and have found it to really help ease my anxiety as I start out my day and go to work.  It really helps take the edge off and helps me start my day clear and focused.

Interestingly, l-theanine is an analogue of glutamate – a neurotransmitter associated with increased activity in the brain. Despite increasing activity, it nevertheless encourages calmness and is an effective anxiolytic.

Completely natural and found in a wide range of foods, l-theanine is completely safe for use and has mild effects.

kava_plantKava is a sedative drink that originates in Polynesia. Made from the crushed roots of a plant belonging to the pepper family, it is used by many to combat anxiety and also has a number of health benefits. In the South Pacific it is also used regularly as a social drink and as a key element in some traditional ceremonies.

Kava works on the central nervous system and has several mechanisms of action. Among other things, Kava affects the GABA receptors. GABA is the brain’s primary ‘inhibitory’ neurotransmitter, meaning that it reduces activity between brain cells (neurons) and thereby reduces anxiety while having a sedative-like effect. Kava is particularly effective for treating anxiety and panic attacks as it is able to reduce norepinephrine (in a manner similar to beta blockers) which is responsible for the stress response and the associated side effects.

Kava is also a natural anaesthetic and has a numbing effect which can help to reduce stress caused by physical pain. Finally, as a dopaminergic, Kava is able to promote the neurotransmitter associated with reward, creating mild feelings of euphoria.

Unfortunately, there are also some health concerns surrounding Kava. Kava is believed to cause nerve damage and is tightly regulated in Germany and Canada and completely banned in Poland.


Valerian Root
Valerian rootValerian root is another natural ingredient that is used for relaxation. Specifically, Valerian works by relaxing the smooth muscle tissue and this makes it particularly helpful as a sleeping aid. It is often recommended for treating insomnia and it is particularly useful in this context as it doesn’t have any of the unwanted cognitive effects associated with stronger sleeping aids.

That said, valerian root does affect brain chemistry also and like many sleeping aids (and kava) it works on the GABA receptors to inhibit brain activity and exert a mild sedative effect. Unlike some other GABAergics, valerian is known to be able to cross the blood-brain barrier.

I have found Valerian to be a great sleep aid on the occasion that I am having a hard time falling asleep.  I have also found the supplements to have a strong odor so bear this in mind if you are traveling and need to put the supplements in a pill box.

Passion-FlowerPassionflower is a type of plant which is used to create a number of medicines. It is also commonly used as an anti-anxiety remedy, muscle relaxant and an anxiolytic.

Like many other options on this list, passionflower works primarily by working on GABA in order to reduce brain activity. It has been shown to be effective when used as an anxiolytic in several studies.

It is also a popular ingredient in traditional medicine and has been used to treat all manner of conditions. From my own experience I have found Passionflower to be very effective as a natural anti-anxiety stress reliever and I use it when I know I will be entering into a stressful situation such as before a big presentation or meeting.  I have been using Passionflower for about 2 years and have also not noticed any side effects.

Holy Basil
Holy_BasilHoly basil works slightly differently from other entries on this list. Specifically, the plant which is also known as Tulasi, can reduce cortisol in the body.

You may recognize cortisol as the ‘stress hormone’. Although cortisol is not ‘bad for you’ per say (it is actually very useful for regulating your metabolism among other things) it is nevertheless responsible for various negative side effects including reduced concentration, food cravings, depression and inflammation when elevated.

Holy basil may be useful when combined with other options on this list therefore in order to provide a ‘two pronged’ effect on stress and anxiety. Additionally, it may also be useful as a weight loss aid owing to its ability to reduce cravings for food. Holy basil is also a great option as a sleeping aid and may have anti-cancer benefits.

These are just five powerful herbs and other natural ingredients that can be used to combat anxiety and to encourage a sense of calm as well as a deep, natural sleep. If you struggle with stress, then consider natural options to help put yourself at ease.  As someone who has battled anxiety for most of their adult life I have found some of these natural anti-anxiety remedies to be life changing!

Of these five in particular, kava may be a little too strong and it’s worth waiting for more studies before choosing this potentially harmful ingredient. As always always consult with your doctor before trying any supplements.

These natural remedies for anxiety could prove highly effective, especially when combined with other techniques such as meditation and regular exercise. For sleep, leave out the l-theanine and try the valerian root, holy basil and/or passion flower.


In the constant pursuit of happiness, balance, and financial freedom.

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for this info. I just started using Passionflower and I can already see a big difference. I have pretty bad social anxiety and this makes me feel so much better.

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